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RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This is the process by which Adults are initiated (join) the Catholic Church.
This is a team oriented ministry of evangelization of catechesis which aims to fulfill the directives of the Second Vatican Council for the initiation of adults into the Roman Catholic faith. Sessions involve faith sharing with respect for the traditions brought by participants, formal catechesis, and liturgical celebration.
RCIA Team: The ministry consists of a team of parishioners as well as sponsors. The Team members work together to plan the RCIA Process. They take turns leading sessions using the material that is provided. You do not need to be an "expert" on the Church to be a member of the team just willing to work together, learn together and pray together.
RCIA Team Members lead the Wednesday Evening Classes: They collaborate together as a team to plan and teach lessons.
Sunday Breaking Open the Word: As those who are in the RCIA are unable to participate in the Eucharist, they will gather together after the homily to further explore the Sunday Scripture. RCIA Team members lead these sessions but others who are not able to be a part of the Wednesday team but feel called to lead the Sunday Scripture session are needed and welcomed.
Sponsors: This is not the same as "God Parent" We look to match the RCIA participants up with a member of the parish who can help welcome the participant into the parish family. The Sponsor would meet (in person or sometimes on the phone) at least once preferably twice a month with the RCIA participant during thier time in RCIA and then after the person has been initiated into the Church would continue to follow up to help make sure he or she is integrating into the life of the Church.
RCIA Participant: Those invited to participate include those who come from another faith tradition and those who are un baptized who wish to explore the Roman Catholic faith. Also, those who are now Roman Catholic but never completed their sacramental preparation are invited to journey with the RCIA program in order to complete their initiation.
Sessions are ongoing and one may join at anytime during the year.
Those interested in being on the Team or in being in RCIA can contact Tim Kemple at 325-