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Faith Formation
Sacred Heart Faith Formation Program is available to assist parents in presenting the Christian faith to children. It offers Catholic Christian education for children and adolescents so they can come to an awareness of God’s love, celebrate that love sacramentally, and show his love to others by living out the mission of the Church.
The Faith Formation Program provides catechesis for children and adolescents in 1st through 8th grade. A staff of Adult Catechist assisted by both adult and youth assistants give of their selves to nurture the faith of our young people.
Classes are held on Sundays between Masses, in the School building from September to Mid-
DRE: Madelon Albert -
Classroom Aides: These valuable assistants to Catechists can be from High School age on up. Sometimes a member of the parish who is interested in being a Catechists will get his or her feet wet by first helping out as an aid.
Crossing Guards: We are probably the only parish in the Diocese with Crossing Guards for Faith Formation. But these are an important part of our Faith Formation Team as they see to the safety and well being of our youth as they travel between the Church and the Hall and at pick up and drop off time.
Madelon Albert can be contacted at the parish office: 362-