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Boy Scout Troop
Troop #396 formed 34 years ago and has been meeting at Sacred Heart School Building for many years; we have between 20 and 30 members!
The troop goes on a camping trip once a month, all year long to a site usually within two hours of LaPorte. There are at least six dads who come to help. We have been camping, hiking, canoeing, tobogganing and more.
The whole troop camps for one week at camp each year in Jones Michigan on Lake Wood.
For the past few years, they have manned the pop bottle ring toss booth at the annual Church Festival. Any boy between 11 and 18 years old is welcome to join. So put down your Gameboy and PS2 and give us a call! Troop meetings are held every Monday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.